my baby boy, Noah Wesley Dean

smiling...laughing...playing...talking...crawling...walking...??? This is the place that answers all of the important questions about the cutest boy in the world!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Well, he's got another set of ear infections. Thankfully, they've been spread apart enough that it's not as bad as it could be. The doctor told me that if he gets them more often (closer), then we'll have to see an ear, nose & throat consultant. Which, by the way, I know them quite well!! haha He prescribed him a different (and more expensive!) kind of amoxicillan that is actually white instead of the familiar pink. I certainly hope that he starts feeling better...he's really been out of it and not at all himself this whole week. :( He can't be sick for his birthday!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Flu Bug

Well, the flu bug got a hold of Noah this weekend. Saturday morning when he woke up, he was burning up...his temperature was 103!! He ended up sleeping pretty much all morning, and then when he was awake, he just wanted to lay on my lap on with his head on my shoulder or chest. He wouldn't drink anything out of his bottle or the sippy cup...but thankfully, he nursed extra well. With him having diarrhea like he did and not drinking from the bottle, I was concerned of him getting dehydrated. That's one perk of breastfeeding him still. As the weekend moved on, his fever got lower and lower, and by this morning, it was only a low-grade fever (about 99.5 or 100). (I'm still mastering the ear 1-second digital thermometer.) Well, his stomach must be feeling a little better too (no more bad diarrhea), but he is quite congested now! Poor baby!! I hope he doesn't end up with another ear infection...

Friday, July 21, 2006

This week & swimming

Keeping our weekly playtime schedule with Emma, Monday we went swimming again. And boy, was it a good day to be in the pool!! It was sooo hot outside - over 100 degrees! To be safe, we didn't keep the kids out too long, but they both got a chance to play in the water and cool down a bit. Noah was enjoying the relaxing time as he was sitting in the little baby floaty. Then, later that evening, we got back in the pool at someone else's house. He was such a water baby...his little toes were turning into little raisinettes!!! hehehe However, I noticed toward the end, as he was relaxing with his elbows on the floaty and looking cool, he would bend himself down toward the water...and drink it!!! Unfortunately for him, we found out the next day that he must have consumed quite a bit of that chlorinated water cause he must have had a tummy ache. He hardly ate anything all day, and he threw up a little bit later that afternoon after drinking a bottle. But he's feeling better now. It only affected him one day. :)

I just finished designing Noah's birthday invitations. They turned out great!! I'm getting excited about his big day!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy 11-month Birthday!

It's really hard for me to believe that my baby boy is already 11 months old!! He's only one month away from celebrating his 1st birthday!

He's been doing really good lately. He's been crawling more often and much faster, he's been laughing and talking to Slippers, he's been pulling himself up to a standing position all of the time, and he loves to hold your hands and just take off!!! We've been letting go of one hand as we walk to see how he does with his balance...he's getting better. He's just decided that when he's ready to stand up on his own and walk on his own, he's gonna do it right so that he doesn't hurt himself too much. ;) Accuracy is best! He's a good boy...

Yesterday, he was introduced to (and fully enjoyed) a pot and wooden spoons! Oh, and he is quite the drummer!!! He goes to town... Do we have a little drummer boy in our future? ;)

Also, today is my mom's birthday! :) Noah shares the exact month before his birthday with his GG!! Here's a picture from Christmas of them together (and me taking video footage). :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Noah's first 4th and more!

I'm a little behind on posting this update, but things have been quite busy now that summer is in full force. For the 4th of July, we took a road trip to Tennessee to visit with Joshua, Sarah, and Riley. Noah had a great time playing with his cousin Riley!! Hopefully soon I'll have the pictures scanned from the visit and will post them for everyone to see. The fireworks were beautiful, but when Joshua set off a few in his yard, Noah was scared to death!! He tensed up, held on to me tightly, and cried and cried. They were loud, so they were pretty scary to a baby who doesn't understand what it's all about.

On Saturday (July 1st), we got our very first family portraits done! Most of them turned out ok, but there's a couple that have weird looks or bad lighting (shadows)... You can see all of them below.

Well, Friday will be Noah's 11 month birthday!! (Along with my mom's birthday!) Before we know it, we'll be having a big birthday party for him!! For those that will be able to attend and want to mark your calendar, I'm thinking about doing it on Saturday, August 12th, but that's not set in stone yet. Look for some sort of invitation soon.