my baby boy, Noah Wesley Dean

smiling...laughing...playing...talking...crawling...walking...??? This is the place that answers all of the important questions about the cutest boy in the world!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hooray for summertime!

Memorial Day is just about here!! That means we've made it to summertime!! :) Unfortunately, Noah & I will not be able to hang out with his Papa because he is in New York City for Fleet Week. After getting my help with last-minute shopping for supplies and packing, Paul left Monday morning on the ship that slowly made it's way to NYC. From what I have heard so far, it's been a good experience in that he's gotten his picture taken for "the cover of a magazine" (we'll see...), talked on a radio talk show, got handed money, went to a jazz club and a comedy club, and just got to meet lots of interesting people. I'm sure there will be many stories to be heard after he returns on the 31st. Until then, it's just me and my baby boy for the long weekend with no plans...we'll just see what happens!! Wednesday I will be going back to the doctor for my check-up; I will be 15 weeks and 5 days!! So far this time is very different than Noah...I haven't felt sick at all and I've waken up early in the morning having to go to the bathroom very badly already!! Does this mean it could be a girl? Probably next month we will find out! Keep us in your prayers for this and for us to get our house sold so we can all be together again as a happy and stable family!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

It's official!

Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday Noah's mommy took another step up into her 30s. Fortunately, I don't feel any older; I just added a "one" onto the nice & simple year of 30. haha

Along with gaining another year, I am just beginning another 9-month long weight gain. Yes, the rumors are true...Noah is going to be a big brother!!! And what a good big brother he will be!!! :) I discovered that I was pregnant back on April 5th, thanks to a positive test. (no need to take two, right?) Then my first appointment was on May 1st, when I found out that our new little one is due on December 1st. :) I am praying for a baby girl this time...everyone else is invited to pray the same along with me! Later this month, I go for my next check-up, in which I'm hoping I'll get some "pictures" taken. :)

Yesterday as I was trying to get ready for work, Noah just randomly came up behind me and gave me the biggest hug!! He's really starting to become quite fond of hugs, and I love it!! :) Every morning when I get him out of his bed, he hugs me so tight and holds on for quite a while. Those are the moments that I want to hold on to forever...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

God's Beautiful Work of Art

Unfortunately, this entry is not a happy one. Unexpected tragedies can happen to anyone, but they are always a part of God's beautiful "tapestry", or plan. As was explained to me by someone I know, we just look at a portion of the backside of a tapestry, seeing all of the mess, but above, on the other side, God sees the whole, complete, beautiful work of art and has a reason for each "stitch". Noah's cousin Alaina was born last Sunday evening; she was 8 lbs., 9 oz. She was not breathing, and after some resuscitation, she took a few gasps of air on her own. Her heart rate was better, but then she still wasn't breathing on her own. They rushed her out to Washington Co. hospital, where they decided that because she was in such serious condition, she should be sent over to Shady Grove. However, Jesus decided that her home was meant to be with him in Heaven, so he took her home later Monday afternoon. It's very sad for a family member to die, but it's especially devastating to lose one after her only living for several hours. Please remember the whole family in your prayers, especially Trenton, Christy, Taylor, Connor, and Ashton. The viewing was Thursday evening, and the funeral was Friday. It was very difficult; there were many tears shed. I won't go into details about the entire ceremony, but it was very touching to see how strong the family was. The songs sung, the poems and letters read, the comments made...they all made a big impact on me. It makes me appreciate my baby boy and want to thank the Lord for the little things even more. Even though I never got to officially meet her, Alaina's short life refreshed my appreciation for life and closeness to God. I pray that others were touched as well.

From Momma's arms to the arms of Jesus...
Alaina Marie Rowles
April 22, 2007 - April 23, 2007