my baby boy, Noah Wesley Dean

smiling...laughing...playing...talking...crawling...walking...??? This is the place that answers all of the important questions about the cutest boy in the world!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Birthday, Papa!!

Well, today is Papa's birthday...Noah and I will get to see him this weekend to celebrate. We're all looking forward to it!!

Last night, we actually had time to add a bath to our bedtime routine. Noah had a great time!! He discovered how to kick his feet like he's swimming, and he thinks it's a ton of fun! Bathtime is so much fun for him, he can't sit still!! However, when it was time to lay down for bedtime, Noah was a good boy and laid there nice and still with his bedtime buddies as he drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, he woke up crying, which isn't out of the ordinary (he'll do that in his sleep occasionally), but this time he wasn't stopping. Finally, I went into his room, and picked him up to bring him in the room with me. He just put his head on my shoulder and held on to me tight. Do one-year-olds get nightmares? Or is he not feeling well? I wish I knew....but for me and Noah in the middle of the night, we just wanted to get some sleep. Noah laid in the bed with me with his head on my chest as I held him. When I got up to get ready for work (much later than normal I might add), Noah woke up as soon as he realized that I wasn't lying by him. He sat straight up, and then had a look on his face like he was scared. Poor baby boy. I reassured him that I wasn't going to leave him alone, and that I just had to get ready for work. He kept his eyes on me the whole time. :) I hope everything is ok...

Sorry I don't have the photos scanned yet...I'll be working on it very soon. :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Noah is 14 months old!

I've slacked just slightly on an update.  Here's what's up with Noah lately...

Noah had his first visit to the Urgent Care on Tuesday night (the 10th).  He had been battling with a cough and horrible congestion, and since Sunday evening, he had a fever.  But Tuesday he was feeling much worse.  His Na Na woke him up 6 hours into a nap (poor baby!), and when she took his temperature, he had a fever of 103.5.  On top of that, he wasn't drinking much at all, and he didn't have any wet diapers, which, as many of you parents know, could result in a baby getting dehydrated.  So, needless to say, I felt like I needed to get him in to see a doctor today, instead of waiting until the morning.  Even though he definitely wasn't feeling well, he still was eating normally (meaning, a lot!) and would still want stand up, play, and talk occasionally.

The doctor at the Berkeley Co. Urgent Care was not very helpful or friendly at all.  However, she gave me a prescription for amoxycillin for yet another set of ear infections, and then she gave me a prescription for an eye ointment, which, after calling Noah's pediatrician, I found out that he doesn't really need.  I also got him PediaCare decongestant and cough medicine.  He's still taking the medicine and is feeling better, but he still has a runny nose and cough every once in a while.

Saturday (the 14th) was Noah's 14-month birthday!!  He got to spend the afternoon with G.G. and Grandpa while his Mommy had a little "girls day out" with Sybil.   By the time I returned to their house that evening, my voice was just shot - Noah's little sickness got to me!  Buddy and Justin were there, and Noah would not take his eyes off Justin!!  He followed his every move!  He IS the "Great White Rapper"...isn't he??!  It was pretty funny to see Justin's reaction!

Noah is definitely starting to show his independent side (and some temper tantrums too!).  He is officially finished nursing (boo-hoo for Mommy), and he is playing on his own better these days.  He isn't as afraid of his tricycle that we got him for his birthday now...he really loves to push it around the house!  When I put him on it the other night, he actually used his feet to push - backwards!  hehehe  He is also saying "Hi" and "Bye" and waves using his fingers now.  Within all of the baby babble, I think I've also heard him say "belly button," "kitty," and "ball."  He still isn't walking all of the time on his own, but he will walk from person to person or from pieces of furniture.  He's growing up so much!!

It's been over a week since Noah's seen his Papa.  I've tried to get him to talk to him on the phone, but all he does is smile with big, wide eyes...and then he tries to push the buttons or eat the phone...  haha  We both miss him around the house. 

Well, I think that pretty much catches us up.  I have some new pictures that I need to scan in from the beach that are just great - I'll post them soon.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Beach Trip & more!

Shame on me, shame on me... It's been way too long since I've posted anything. Noah's had some exciting days these past few weeks. On Saturday (the 23rd), we left for a trip to Virginia Beach with Paul's family. (Incidentally, it was not as early as we wanted...Paul & I were very sick with the flu bug that Noah had the day before.) We rented a HUGE beach house, and Noah had lots of fun with his cousins. He got to sit out on the beach and feel the sand (and eat it too!), and we helped him put his feet and legs in the ocean water!! The trip was short for me...I had to leave Tuesday evening to make it home to get to work the next day. I left all alone. Paul left for the class for his Marine Corps job Wednesday, and Noah stayed at the beach with the family. Once he got back home, he spent the weekend with his GG and Grandpa while I had a "sisters weekend" at Cedar Point. (Which, by the way, is awesome!!) So...Noah went for 5 days without seeing his Mommy, and even longer before he'll get to see his Papa. Friday afternoon, Noah and I will take a little road trip down to Norfolk (which is where our future home will be) to pick up Paul and bring him home for the weekend. :)

Last week was also our church's Missions Conference. One of the couples there was Eric & Lili Schrock, who now have a little baby girl, Ruthie. From what I hear, Sunday morning in the nursery, Noah was very interested in Lili and tried to talk to her and get close to her. hehehe Noah is such a little flirt! ;)

Next week, I'll post some photos from the beach and also from the conference. I'm still working with an old-school camera, so I've gotta get my film developed.