Happy 11-month Birthday!
It's really hard for me to believe that my baby boy is already 11 months old!! He's only one month away from celebrating his 1st birthday!
He's been doing really good lately. He's been crawling more often and much faster, he's been laughing and talking to Slippers, he's been pulling himself up to a standing position all of the time, and he loves to hold your hands and just take off!!! We've been letting go of one hand as we walk to see how he does with his balance...he's getting better. He's just decided that when he's ready to stand up on his own and walk on his own, he's gonna do it right so that he doesn't hurt himself too much. ;) Accuracy is best! He's a good boy...
Yesterday, he was introduced to (and fully enjoyed) a pot and wooden spoons! Oh, and he is quite the drummer!!! He goes to town... Do we have a little drummer boy in our future? ;)
Also, today is my mom's birthday! :) Noah shares the exact month before his birthday with his GG!! Here's a picture from Christmas of them together (and me taking video footage). :)

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