Big brother Noah
Well, come mid-December, Noah will have a little brother to play with!! Yesterday I had my ultrasound appointment, and we found out that it was definitely a boy...a well-endowed boy as the doctor put it! Noah got to see his baby brother moving around mommy's belly a little bit too as his aunt Kelly looked on also...he even said "bebe" (which is how he pronounces baby right now). We found out that I'm not as far along as we originally thought. I thought I was 19 weeks, but come to find out, I am only 15 weeks, which is kinda early for this ultrasound. But our baby was cooperative, and he immediately opened his legs wide open for us to know that he's a boy! So now, instead of my due date being Dec. 1st, it is now moved back to Dec. 17th. The doctor was very talkative and informative about everything going on, and she told me that, with the history of Noah's delivery, I will want to go with a c-section to avoid any tearage of the incision because of another big head. Makes sense. Nice to know ahead of time, that's for sure. And they would schedule the c-section a week before the due date, which would give me plenty of time to get out of the hospital and recoop before Christmas. And this year, we'll have an itty-bitty baby boy along with Noah Wesley tagging along!! :)
So here's some photos from yesterday of the new upcoming baby... I know they can be hard to detect, so here's what they are: the first one is a shot of his head and his hands on either side his face, the second one is the standard shot showing his back end and legs opened up to prove that he's a boy, and the third one I believe is just his whole can kinda see the embilical cord coming from his belly button too I think!